Twilight intervju med robert

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Man får läsa frågan, lyssna, läsa frågan, lyssna osv. Det är lite
klurigt men ni hör när det är tyst en lite längre stund.

Intervju'n är ca 12 minuter!

1.) How does it feel to be a teen idol?
2.) How many girls want you to bite them?
3.) Do you feel any pressure? Kristen told us that she doesn't feel any pressure.
4.) Did you have any concerns not to fulfil the expectations of the fans?
5.) How did you prepare for the role?
6.) You are acting since you've been 15 years old. But now there is this huge hype. What do you think about that?
7.) Your character Edward hardly can't resist Bella. Is there something in your real life you can't resist?
8.) What do you think is so special about Edward that so many girls love this character?
9.) There are two songs of you on the soundtracks "Never think" and "Let me sign". How it comes?
10.) Do you have any plans to publish an album in the near future?
11.) Do you think already about how to play Edwards character in the second and third movie?
12.) In the second book Edward isn't there the most time…
13.) What do you think about the novels and the love story respectively?
14.) What have you read first: the books or the script?
15.) Did you speak with Stephenie Meyer about the books and about the character of Edward?
16.) In the second book Edward tries to kill himself. How hard was it to prepare for this dramatic situation?
17.) Did you see some other vampire movies before shooting to approach to the world of vampires?
18.) When you were a child did you believe in vampires or other mystic creatures?

Källa |

Postat av: Mikkis

Ja absolut! Inte alls lika lätt för en tjej att verka mystisk och sexig xD

2009-03-23 @ 17:23:43
Postat av: Micaela

Sv: Det finns säkert kyss bloopers. Jag hoppas det ialafall! Skulle vara kul att se! :P

2009-03-23 @ 18:55:04
Postat av: martina

sv; jaa, han är ju verkligen riktigt snygg där! :D

2009-03-23 @ 19:44:51

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