Middag med Robert Pattinson

Twilightpremiär var inte det ända som hände i Tokyo.
Sex lyckliga fans vann och fick äta middag med dem också.
Här berättat ett lyckligt fan (Nina) hur det var.
"The lucky 6 were chosen thru "pulling the strings" thing. It took me around 5 seconds to realize that the other end of the string that I was holding belongs to Robert Pattinson!!!! OMG!!!After 5 mins, the stars entered the room and stood beside us (robert pattinson on my left and kristen on my right, holy crap!). Though I felt that my tongue got terribly twisted, I was able to say a few words to robert, that is, "I just saw you in the Oscars awards last Sunday and now I cant believe that Im sitting right next to you", and then he answered with a grin "o really, you know I was so nervous at that time".
I headed immediately to Robert to ask for a photo with him and have all the twilight memorabilia autographed. He even asked for my name and put a nice signature on the memorabilias. Before they left, they bid a nice farewell to us."
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Källa | Bild & text: www.roberpattinson.org
Nä nu blir jag avis som fan!!!!! :D